Overwhelmed by the amount of resources to choose from.

Hi there! I'm looking into learning Norwegian, and I've been doing quite a lot of research on which learning apps/courses/resources are great. I literally have no clue where to start. There are just too many apps and resources to choose from, and I'm getting a lot of conflicting reviews from pretty much every resource I researched.

For example, some say Babbel is pretty good for beginners at teaching grammar, while some of you guys say it's mediocre and that Pimsleur will get you talking. Or that Duolingo is far superior to both, and it's free. Others say to forget the apps and go for NorwegianClass101 or Youtube.

I just want to start small and try to go from A1 to A2/B1 (Though I do seem to want to lean more on being able to speak it but while not neglecting grammar???).

TLDR: Would it be wise to use a combination of Duolingo + Pimsleur. I can't really afford two language learning courses? Or should I focus on just Babbel? Though I'm kind of disappointed that it only goes to A2.