This incivility needs to stop

Clearly, the community is very different compared to the past few years. For the new blood who have just joined us this year, I need you to understand that this community is not a bullying one. It is a supporting one.

There is no shaming, no ridiculing, no lambasting of other people in here (other than in jest) because everyone who even tries this challenge deserves praise for doing something that their urges demand otherwise.

We only support others here. Support the survivors who keep on keeping on. Pat the backs of those who unfortunately lost but encourage them to try again next year. Spur each other on to make good use of the time we have earned back.

This is not a competition. This is a marathon. And we’re all on the same team. I don’t want to see any incel, toxic masculinity garbage up in her ruining the most supportive, wholesome male-dominant community on the internet. Quit it.