Sad Christmas
I don't know how to express this, I just finished work and got invited over Christmas by a friend girl that I knew for 2 years and we used to hung out and talk a lot before she moved away from city. Her family family has been really nice and initiative. First few days were cool, they said they allowed me to serve myself and cook anything I want. Me and her little brother got along really well hung out, bike, swimming from morning till night. It's the 4th day and she got grumpy at me. Also my Christmas gift they bought me, a shoe which I knew and haven't opened but then they took the gift away behind my back and I don't even wanna ask because she told me she doesn't know which I knew exactly they took it away and I find this really rude. I might not be perfect and there are things I could did and they didn't like or agreed. Like the way I talk or my vibe.
I have asked her many many times if she's mad at me or I did something wrong. She just told me I didn't wash my dishes cleanly, a bit messy, and didn't wash my clothes but yah it was just a Jean and honestly I dont think it worth to just wash a Jean in the washing machine. I tried to talk to her but seems like they just want me to leave. I gave them Christmas gifts cherry, helped her build the pcs and let her give me the money back later. But after being treated like this it just destroy my self esteem and make me question if I'm really a bad person. But yah i really hate how you can be so nice and initiative and then you just turn your face within few day, like honestly if you don't like me or any other thing please just tell me straight in front of me.
Don't be like grumpy or do these things behind my back like taking back the gift. Idk im really sad, I'm crying alone right now. Idk what's wrong. btw I'm a male. They also told me that I act silly and like a 10y even the kids say that. But honestly I act like this just to get along with them. I'm 18, I worked, lived alone, cook, clean, pay rent, and did everything on my own. I just felt relaxing and be vulnerable around her and her family that's why I act like a kid. But yah every time I got hurt because of that. Idk honest what's wrong with me :((.