Husband concerns me
Baby boy is 1 month and 1 day today :)
Here’s my spiel. It’s sort of a rant, but it’s also a genuine question.
TLDR: husband says some sus things about handling our fussy baby and has slightly escalated annoyed behavior. What do I do about this? Therapy?
I’m not sure what to do. My husband and I just had our first baby. Husband was great before baby being born. I was taken care of and felt like we were doing okay as a couple. I usually do everything household chore wise, and I have for the last five years. But since being pregnant, he took on more household responsibility, but he doesn’t work or do anything really except get on discord and play games with friends… so it seemed fair. At the time I was working full time and going to school in person about 25 hours a week not including homework. I am studying to be a surgical technologist. I will be done with the program within a year. Now, my baby is a month old. However this past month has been hell. One because of having our life turned upside down by our (awesome) new addition. My husband used to be infantry in the Army and I just knew he’d have no issues staying up late or functioning under stress. However I pegged him completely wrong. As soon as we got home from the hospital you would’ve thought he was the one who gave birth. He slept for 12+ hours and complained how badly he hurt and was sore and didn’t touch the first dish or laundry pile or diaper. Which, everyone told me to let the house go and just focus on baby for the first couple of weeks while we get our bearings. So I didn’t mind, but I did need help with handling a baby! I would ask, hey can you take him while I shower, etc. and he would take baby boy but just stand next to me while I did whatever task I wanted to do and as soon as it was complete he would be shoving our son back into my arms. I was in the shower and he stood outside of it with my screaming son. I pull exclusively due to a horrible latch for the first week and my nipples were too torn up to try latching and now my baby is used to bottles. But every time I go to pump I swear my baby knows and pitches a fit so I’ve asked my husband to hold him while I pump. Only for 20 minutes. That’s all he has to do. Thats it. So here’s the concerning part: Like all babies my son cries. He just got over some gassy spell which he would scream and cry during. My husband said while holding him the second week, “I can understand why people shake their babies.”This made me nervous as I do not feel that way I can’t even relate to it. (This is not a judgement to anyone else. I get it. I’m at the end of my rope as well, but I personally just haven’t felt that feeling). Then the next day I requested a nap and for my husband to watch him for only 3 hours. I woke up with my bedroom door shut and my son’s room is across the house and his door was shut. I heard my son screaming and crying like I hadn’t heard before. I got out the bed super fast and ran for my son. My husband was just standing in the kitchen drinking coffee. I busted open my son’s room and he was red he was crying so hard. At only two weeks old. I grabbed him and the second he touched me he stopped crying. Another night last week, my son was on the floor with my husband doing tummy time and I was pumping and my son got really upset and starting crying and my husband leaned toward him and said, “that kind of cry is how you get punched in the face.” I looked at him really sharp and told him not to ever say that joking or not. Then the last instance happened just yesterday. I was again pumping and all he had to do was hold the baby. I had been up with him all night and let my husband sleep in the bed unbothered all night. I got my husband up out of the bed and he immediately starting complaining that he’s exhausted. Never mind how long I’ve been up and hadn’t showered for. I wanted to go off, but I simply said “okay just hold him for twenty minutes while I pump.” He was so mad that he had to get up. Well Caleb starting crying of course and my husband laid back with him on the couch so they were stomach to stomach. Caleb kept crying instead of settling and I could tell my husband was agitated more and more. Then finally I wasn’t looking and I heard a real loud smack noise. I thought he hit my son so I got up super fast and grabbed my son, who was scared to death (he’s a month old as of yesterday) and starting crawling up my husbands chest away from him and got his face stuck down in a pillow within those three seconds it took for me to cross the room. Well it turns out he didn’t smack him but he clapped his hands together super hard and angrily, like clasped them together loudly over my baby’s head. My heart was racing and my adrenaline and fight or flight was activated 100%. I was so angry and sad and shocked and sick. The only thing my husband has said about it was, I didn’t hurt him. I refuse to talk to him. I’m so mad at him I feel like I hate him. But I don’t know what to do about this. I don’t know what his issue is… we’ve never been a perfect couple but I’ve never felt this way about him. My son is my whole world and beyond that he’s a helpless infant. I would die if anything happened to him.
What do I do? Therapy? Alone or together?? I’m scared to leave my baby with him. My clinical rotation starts March 1st and I’m terrified to go back to school and leave my baby with him.