I am losing my damned mind

I am the primary caregiver, single mom 22 yo living with my father. I am at my wits end right now and need to rant. My baby is one month old tomorrow. He is going through a phase right now where he literally cannot nap unless he is on me. Which is cute and all but when there’s laundry and dishes and cats that need to be given medicine and my room with cobwebs all in the corners of the ceiling that need to be vacuumed and I need to eat and brush my teeth for the first time in weeks I am feeling defeated. Every time I put him down he wakes right up and starts fussing after a few minutes. Even if he is fed, changed, got his binky, he will lose his shit if I step out of the room to simply pee (I make sure he is in his bassinet when I actually do step out). I am so incredibly overstimulated and “touched out”, I quit smoking cigarettes in high school and since then I have never wanted to go buy a pack so fucking badly. If I do not have at least one hand on him at all times he will fuss and scream. He constantly needs his binky popped back in his mouth and when I’m folding my laundry for the first time in a week I quite literally cannot stop every minute or less to pop it back in for him, I just can’t. I eat MAYBE one “meal” a day and it’s usually cereal because if I’m not in his general vicinity all hell seems to break loose. My eye sockets ache my head is throbbing. I am always stepping into the garage just to scream so I don’t lose control around my child. And the therapist I’m seeing looks at me like I’m fucking insane for removing myself from the stressful situation to let the anger out as if there’s a better alternative (if there is, the licensed therapist has not made it clear lol) I know that babies don’t necessarily see themselves as a separate entity from momma for a while. But I have never been this overstimulated.