Does anyone else wish Nashville was on eastern time?
I don't even live there anymore, but I always remember this time of year hating how early the sun sets. Getting out of class at Vandy at 4:30 and walking back to my apartment as dusk faded into night always sucked.
Obviously the sun sets earlier in the winter no matter where you are (in the northern hemisphere), but have you ever felt that in Nashville the sun seems to disappear ridiculously early this time of year? More so than in other places? Well you're right, and its because of where we are time-zone wise.
The further east you are in a time zone, the earlier the sun is going to set. If you look at a map, you can see Nashville is in a small notch on the far east of the central time zone. Parts of Indiana, Kentucky and Michigan are west of Nashville, but in the eastern time zone. So when its 4:30 here and the sun is going down, there are parts of the country where its 5:30 AND the sun is still slightly higher in the sky.
Just wanted to rant. Love y'all