Is anyone else dealing with the strangest and longest sinus infection of their life right now?
Going on my third week now and it’s possibly progressing to my lungs and ears now. Been to the doctor twice now for it and the second time they put me on antibiotics and steroids, BUT - nothing is helping! It’s definitely not Covid and I still haven’t experienced a fever but I definitely had some night sweats from it.
I was just wondering if it’s something that’s been going around. I know RSV is out there partying it up but this is different as it seems to mainly be affecting my sinuses. Super thick mucous and neverending sneezing. It’s like I’m on the verge of being full blown sick but my body won’t kick into Kill the Virus mode and now I feel like I’ll be sick forever.
UPDATE I feel like I need to put an update in this post since so many people keep commenting on it lmao. It turned out to be a very antibiotic resistant strain of bacteria in my sinuses called pseudomonas auruginosa (sp?) that slowly spread into my lungs. I was treated with 4 diff kinds of antibiotics and before the 3rd antibiotic I had a culture done with my ENT which confirmed the strain so that we could target it with the correct antibiotic. I was started on Ciprofloxacin (that shit SUUUUUUCKS) and it caused joint issues and pain in my calves, with not a lot of feeling better in my sinuses. On day 7 I was put on Levaquin which didn’t cause many side effects but cleared it up. I believe I got this from swimming and going to the sauna at the YMCA. it’s pretty commonly contracted from pools and saunas. Thanks for reading!!! I’m all better now.