Second guessing long name
My daughter was born 8 weeks ago. We chose a relatively short, classic first name of French origin for her, and her middle names are Wilhelmina Sato. Her surname is a common British surname. Wilhelmina was a close contender as a first name as I found Winnie or even Willy cute nicknames. When she was born her first name just clicked but I guess I wasn’t quite ready to let go of Wilhelmina and liked how it sounded as a middle name. Sato was her great-grandmother’s name.
I still like all the names but I am now having second thoughts about if it’ll be complicating things for her, having such a long name and having to probably spell Wilhelmina frequently.
She already has a birth certificate that I could amend but they will only make a note of the amendment on the original one I believe. So I am not sure if this will be complicating things more for her than just having two middle names. (All though, how often do you really use a birth certificate?)
We haven’t requested her passports yet (she will have dual citizenship, British & a EU one) so want to get this done beforehand, if.
In what instances could it be a nuisance for her to have two uncommon middle names? Or will it create more inconvenience to have an amended birth certificate at this point?