Avishkari Loxodon
We haven't even gotten the whole set previewed yet, but it seems clear that there is now a well-established and assimilated population of Loxodon on Avishkar. Once I saw Marshals' Pathcruiser, I started seeing Loxodon all over. We got the tidbit via flavor text that there were merfolk on the plane all along, but haven't had a comment on the Loxodon in flavor text or the Planeswalker's Guide (where merfolk were also unmentioned). From my art perusing, any other species that is was not already established in the past visit are associated with another plane or a racing team. Do we think that a group of Loxodon from Ravnica, Arcavios, or some other plane arrived via omenpath and have heavily integrated themselves into Avishkari society in the past two years or that they were there all along somewhere on the edges like the merfolk? Both seem like really quick integrations. Did anyone else notice this?