Has anyone else experienced constant intrusive thoughts about food they don’t like?
I’m only towards the end of week one — overall I’m noticing a reduction in food noise already which is honestly life changing.
However, while I don’t have cravings or impulses to eat the way I did before, I’ve noticed over the past couple of days I have experienced uncontrollable intrusive thoughts about a specific food that I can’t stand to the point I feel nauseous and sometimes gag (in my case it’s beetroot and balsamic rice cakes that I tried last week). It’s getting in the way of normal eating because I can’t get the thought out of my mind.
I’m seeing a cognitive behavioural therapist and I have an appointment next week, I’m hoping they can give me some techniques to combat intrusive thoughts. In the meantime though I really wanted to know if anyone else had experienced this on Mounjaro?
I’m so sick of the nausea which I don’t think I’d have if it weren’t for the constant thoughts of those horrid rice cakes.