Motorcycles are safer than you think.

So I mainly wanted to just share this video I saw on YT b/c it’s interesting, and might help some newcomers who are apprehensive about bikes b/c of certain accident statistics or what people say. The main one being that motorcyclists are 24x more likely to be fatally injured in an accident.

The video takes a closer look at the data that comprises that estimation, and why a large portion of fatal accidents may have been avoided if the riders had made different choices.

Here’s a few key points from the video:

-39% no helmet

-36% no motorcycle endorsement

-33% were speeding (from 13%-49% varies between age groups)

-80% had alcohol in their system

-Only 8% were under 500cc engine size

Basically there’s certain inherent dangers with traveling without the protection a car can provide, but there are lots of choices one can make to attain a much safer riding experience than people realize.

What do you think? Is this helpful stuff? Or did you infer this stuff before even knowing the stats based on personal experience?

Anyway here’s the video;