What do I do?

I’m a PIMO college student living out of state. This is my second year of school and have remained somewhat active throughout that time. I was very involved my first semester of freshman year, then with the combination of some doubts and a very busy schedule my second semester freshman year I was much less active.

Fast forward to now after months of research, praying, pondering, and discussing with friends and family I no longer accept the church’s doctrine or actions to be true and inspired by God. I’m still working to find my own beliefs and the truth outside of that but it seems pretty clear that it will be outside the church.

I would just stop attending, but I’m currently called as a Sunday school teacher for 11-12 year olds. This is very tough for me as now with come follow me being D&C I don’t have a true belief to teach from. It’s also tricky because I basically volunteered for this calling when my bishop asked in September before I started “soul searching” if you will.

I want to make it clear that I no longer feel comfortable teaching Sunday school, but also want to be clear that it is not because I’m lazy or not living up to my duty or responsibility. I also dont want to make it a big deal and have any heated conversations.

Im also a track athlete and with it being our competition season im thinking of just saying im too busy to do it. Is there anything else I should do or say instead?