Lavina Looks Back: Church scholars published W. Clayton materials through tiny independent publisher.

[A continuation of writers being questioned about their work.]

Lavina wrote: May 22, 1983

Other writers questioned are Armand Mauss, Thomas G. Alexander,

My notes-- I can't find any publications by prize winning BYU history professor TG Alexander that might get him in hot water. Except... In 1974 Thomas Alexander and James B. Allen co-edited and published a book called Manchester Mormons: The Journal of William Clayton, 1840 to 1842. These two church employees published through a tiny publishing company in Layton, Utah, called Peregrine Smith instead of as a church publication. Is this even kosher? Or perhaps they didn't "edit" to the church's satisfaction. It's unclear.

Incidentally, in 2017 the church said it would publish all three complete volumes of the diaries. Where are they?

[This is a portion of Dr. Lavina Fielding Anderson's view of the chronology of the events that led to the September Six (1993) excommunications. The author's concerns were the control the church seemed to be exerting on scholarship.]

The LDS Intellectual Community and Church Leadership: A Contemporary Chronology by Dr. Lavina Fielding Anderson