Helen Mar-Kimball and the Temple Lot case

For a while now, I have seen apologists for the church saying that we know that Joseph Smith did not have sex with Helen Mar-Kimball because she did not testify at the Temple Lot trials, where they needed women who would testify that they had. I knew this to not be true, but it seems like this simple fact is not known to apologists?

Helen was called to testify in the case. Not in person, likely because she had been almost deathly ill for a long time before the case, and was only getting sicker. A huge portion of her journal is her telling us daily of her struggles with illness. But she was asked to give a written statement.

From her Journal-

Sat. 31st. [Oct. 1891] Health improved—Received a letter from G. Q. Cannon ^& Sons Co—^ requesting my name & Post Off. Address, & asking certain questions—of my birthplace, where I first met the Prophet Joseph Smith What were my “impressions concerning his appearance & Character,” etc. And to give my testimony of him, & relate any incidents I “may recollect in regard to any of his sayings or doings”, etc, “not on record”. Spent a while at Sol’s towards evening. Weather looks like snow, & is quite cold. Lee is suffering from sore mouth, & baby’s is getting well. Gen reads every day in Book of Mormon before prayers. Ed has got the lawn south of my house nearly finished ready for the seed—

The phrase "not on record" is of particular interest to me, but regardless, she was asked.

Later, we find that she was asked again about it, and she tells us exactly why she didn't do it.

From her journal:

Mon. 16th. [Nov. 1891] A pleasent, & warmer day than usual. I went to Coop, towards night, to pick out my parlor stove, & to J. I. Off. to see A. Cannon concerning the writing of certain testimonies that he’d requestted of me— of what I know of the Prophet Joseph Smith, etc. I’ve felt too poorly to undertake it. Had deathly spells all night, but they were not as hard as usual—had but few to day.

Using the logic the apologists are using {that she would have certainly testified had they been intimate), does this not suggest that they definitely were intimate?