Drinking is usually the first step someone takes as a right of passage when leaving the church. It's almost like an exmormon baptism.

Latest from Jacob Hansen:

Context: a rant about John Dehlin who has said mean things about Jacob, invited him onto his show, then later refused to meet with him on or off the show.

...keep in mind that John [Dehlin] does not drink, or smoke, or do drugs, which is something VERY RARE in the exmormon space. Drinking is usually the first step someone takes as a right of passage when leaving the church. It's almost like an exmormon baptism. I think subconsiously John loves what the church gave him and is still deeply mourning losing certain aspects of the faith...

So there are plenty of valid reasons to criticise John Dehlin. I get that. But I rather dislike these blanket judgemental statements about people who leave the faith. I resigned more than 15 years ago. I know of no such thing as an exmormon baptism, be it drinking or something else. I have siblings who have left the church and they all hate alcohol (if they have even tried it). Why all of the hate christian love from Jacob?