Getting horny on molly.

I took molly for the first time the other night and have been weirded out ever since. My friends were really anticipating my come up or whatever and kept asking if I felt it. When I started to feel sick my best friend’s girlfriend like hugged me and asked if I felt better. It was honestly super awkward and I felt bad so I was just like “a little” and smiled. She then replied with “I have to ask my boyfriend if I can’t help you in that way”. Which I just shrugged off because her bf is my best friend so i was just used to her being weird. Later in the night when I was feeling better I commented that her nails felt nice bc she had touched my arm. I guess this was some kind of indication that I might be feeling it bc she then told me to cover my eyes. I did and she started running the nails up my arm which still felt cool but only in like a normal way fr. I forgot to mention that I threw up (not sure why) between these two beats in the story but after a few seconds it felt like someone else started touching me because she moved up to the side of my face and it freaked me out lol. I reacted “why are you touching me” and backed away opening my eyes. My friend to the left chuckled (for which they immediately apologized for) and my best friend said “because that’s molly!”. His girlfriend said that she had been trying to show me molly for the longest time and that me not liking it was a clear indication that I wasn’t rolling and had thrown it up.

AITA for not wanting to be touched? That expectation wasn’t made clear to me and the whole situation made me feel like sex and/or physical touch is an expectation on molly. I know I was on a mind altering drug so I’m not tryna be weird with anyone the whole thing just kinda felt like sexual coercion.

Edit: I forgot to add a little bit later the friend who chuckled asked if I wanted them to scratch my back because they also had nails. Which I declined and it felt a little like they thought the person had something to do with me not liking being touched earlier but idrk.

Tl;dr is there not the dude in the corner who watches in orgy culture?