Anyone get migraines after self-tanner use?

I’ve noticed the couple times I’ve gotten a spray tan at a salon or used an at-home self-tanner, I’ve gotten migraines. It’s just now clicked after sporadic use over a decade.

My first thought is it’s likely from the odor. Strong smells give me migraines often. I did some googling and found some self-tanners contain L-tyrosine and/or L-arginine and “both cause an increase in the production and levels of nitric oxide in the body which is the essential culprit that causes the pain in the headache during a migraine.” I looked at my current tanner’s ingredient list and it didn’t contain either though which leads me to believe it’s likely the odor.

Obviously a tan is not worth a migraine and I was opting for self-tanner since it’s safer than UV tanning. But I was just curious if anyone else has experienced this and, if so, did a faster tanner help (for example, my brand offers a 2-hour express version so I’d be smelling odors for far less than the 8 hours this one takes)? Or were you able to find a brand that doesn’t have a strong odor?

Thanks! Would love to be tan and pain-free if possible ☺️