Cannot understand those people who refuse to wait 10 seconds for passengers to get off the tram first before trying to get on.
I know this often gets posted here, but I just needed to vent after an annoying interaction this morning. Was going through the CBD on my usual work commute which is already busy in itself- grumpy office workers, students with those big ass school bags, etc.
Before the tram pulled to a stop, I (23F) weaved my way through a crowded tram to disembark, but as soon as the doors open, some dude (40s) with his kid (6?F) pushes through to enter before anyone at all can get off. I'm pretty annoyed as there were heaps of people waiting to exit after me, and homeboy couldn't even wait for one person to step foot on those stairs before him and the poor kid he's dragging barge up.
I didn't want to make way for him to pass (was feeling petty) so we were face to face for a sec, and dunno why but I fucking started with "sorry", and then told him people were trying to get off first and to wait his turn. All he said was "Wow, really?" sarcastically and pushed pass anyway, knocking my shoulder.
Now I wish I had time to respond in the moment, like telling him what a great example he's setting for his daughter.>:( Trying to be more zen lately though, so I don't want to let it get to me more than it should, but damn Melbourne in the morning rush makes it hard to protect any semblance of peace lol.
Anyone else have stories like this so I can laugh at the selfishness instead of stew on it? :')