Should I be concerned this is appendicitis?

5”5, 20F, 60kg

This morning I woke up with a sore achy feeling right beside my right hip. It’s like on the lower part of my hip tho? Want to just say Im on my period at the moment however it does not feel like a cramp whatsoever. It’s not that painful kind of just feels like when u workout and it’s sore. I don’t feel it at all unless I’m doing certain things. It hurts when I’m walking a lot, or if I’m sitting and get up etc. It doesn’t hurt when I press on it at all, or when I cough I don’t really feel it unless I’m moving or laughing. But it’s sore, I have no fever and also I didn’t have it in the middle of my abdomen to begin with. I called my local healthcare provider and they said bc of the location of the soreness shes concerned and wants to check if it’s my appendix bc it’s close to it. However I have no fever? I really hope it’s not my appendix since I heard it requires immediate surgery, which absolutely terrifies me, does anyone have any idea what else it could be?