It's hard to engage with the community.

I don't know if I've ever played a game with such a toxic community, hands down the worst I've personally been apart of and it's nothing simply but fascinating. Playing with a group of random people feels like you're playing with people who have a personal vendetta against you that spans years.

I turned on voice chat (big mistake) and couldn't believe the amount of complaining, whining, insulting, and bigoted rhetoric being hurdled at me or other teammates. Being screamed at to switch off a character, being told I "stole" someone's character and they proceeded to crashout about it, told I'm useless and called racial slurs out the wazoo. Do people who play this game have fun? Because it seems like they play it to raise their blood pressure about 40 points

Even here I'm this Subreddit it's the same energy. If you have an opinion on a character it's just condescending, elitist, arrogant, inflammatory bombardment. "Bronze opinion" "Skill issue" ""You're bad."

Like asking what someone's rank is to try to discredit what they're saying is valid and demean them is disgusting, as well as trying to find their Username to look at their profile to shit on them is crazy, jobless work. Like please get a grip, it is a game. Believe it or not people play it for fun, not to be ultra competitive. This game is far too unbalanced for me to even consider it to be competitively viable. That's just my opinion, I play to have fun first and foremost. No one needs anyone to constantly talk down to them just so you can feel more superior.