Notes from the LCG Fireside Chat
- LCGs are THRIVING for FFG right now. Don't expect them to go away anytime soon. They will continue to support the current ones AND release new ones!
- Arkham will forever be changed comment was overblown and got taken further then intended by the community. They just meant that Cthulu coming to Arkham would change Arkham forever and possibly future stories (not really the future of the product line)
- Booster packs where good when they started. But overtime they have so many small products that it makes it very hard for the stores to stock. It also overwhelms new players when they see a wall with TONS of products. Its a problem they have had since day 0. They want to address some of these issues.
- They started to think about retiring old products to solve the problem. Retiring means that old products wont be available anymore (Out of print basically) Everything new will still be backwards compatible with retired content. Current content will be the last 2-3 years of content roughly. Content from 4+ years ago will likely be retired (out of print)
- For MC they will release 100% NEW versions of retired Hero's. Not tweaks to the old ones re-released. They will be totally new versions (New Hulk plz) This means we might see new versions of retired Arkham Investigators?
- The will have a "Current" and "Legacy" environment. Legacy will include ALL content, and "Current" will just be roughly the last 2-3 years of content. They will be 2 different ways to approach the games, basically 2 formants like MtG. They will be testing new campaigns on "current" content, so playing with legacy content might make the game easier, but players can do whatever they want. They think this will make it easier to balance new content, since they don't have to make content harder and harder for players with the entire cardpool, vs new players. (LotR kind of died because of it getting way to hard for new players to keep old players happy)
- Boggs is doing some guest design on future MC Content!
- We are going to move away from Trilogies, of 3 campaigns in a row. More stand alone stories/campaigns in the future for MC