The recent aetherdrift trailer made me dislike the set.
I was actually ok with atherdrift tbh, was thinking about getting the saheeli precon.
The thing is the new trailer made the theme look SO CRINGE i think im off this sett.
I thought the theme would be racing but not goofy af racing and it seems i was wrong.
If i wanted to play a card game with trash tier set themes and childish low quality trailers that are made in a day i woukd keep playing hesrthstone.
This trailer is legit the same as hearthstone whizbang whatevery toy set just if you swap the theme to cars, its lazy, boring, generic, off putting and cringe enducing.
Throne of eldrain had a "goofy" theme where its fairytales and stuff like that but itself seriously and its trailer showed that, imo its the best mtg trailer to date.
This is the reason i stopped playing HS and started playing magic, every set was " what if the theme was shit and yogg saron was a steaming pile of dung (its the same chsracter from last 10 sets but now in this new sets theme).
TL;DR: new aetherdrift trailer is an actual hearthstone trailer and those of you who keep up with hearthstone for the last year know its not a good thing.