Need a rig for Old School Runescape
So I'm not a computer guy. Don't know much just need a new build because my current one is awful. Would like to keep it under 200$
I've been recommended an i7 optiplex with 32G DDR4 for 250. My question is can I do better for the budget?
Looking to handle OSRS on 117HD grpahics and YouTube/Spotify in the background. That's literally it.
Current PC Can't even run windows 10 without lagging a bit. PC takes a good minute and a half to start and 30 secs to open programs. Just feels terrible. Plays RS but not on the settings id like.
Current PC is
Asus Board fm2+ Amd-A8 5600 32G DDR3 2.5 SSD Ti1050 (can this card be recycled into a new build?)