Update on chia seeds giving severe stomach pain, it wasn’t the chia seeds

I wrote a post yesterday on chia seeds giving me severe stomach pain, well today I had the same lunch without any chia seeds, which was raspberries, blueberries and multi seed sourdough toast and the stomach pain and shivers have come back.

This is so strange as I used to eat sourdough, blueberries and raspberries all the time and I’m not allergic to anything.

Could it be possible that somethings gone off? I only brought these the other day surely they’re not going to go off that quickly

Any ideas, I might throw all three things out because it’s interrupting my day-to-day

For context; Im F28, I’m very sedentary, wfh, usually have a really bad diet, loads of processed food and carbs and sweets, I thought changing to my old better diet would be good for me