No On Talks About How HEAVY Locs Are

Is it me being weak or does how heavy locs can be get severely downplayed?

I'll be 5 years in on 2/08 and my locs are mid-bsck and they are heavy AF all the time! There are some days I feel like I almost can't get comfortable due to the weight and wearing it in a high ponytail outside of keeping it dry while in the shower is a thing of the past.

The weight of my hair when it's wet is still A LOT to me. I get nervous about it not completely drying if I don't st least use a hand dryer for 15+ minutes and until it dries, I feel completely weighed down.

I love my hair, I'm terrified of cutting it and there's no need. I didn't consider how heavy my hair would be when I started my journey. Has anyone else been surprised by the weight of your hair now that it's locked?