Having problems saving the nvidia-settings config file

OK, about 6 months ago I noticed I was having some screen tearing problems in most applications. Setting v-sync in games would not fix the issue. I did some research and found that the setting "Force Full Composition Pipeline" would solve the issue.


The problem is that I could not save the settings to a config file. If I click the "apply" button, it prompts for a save file destination. Even if I just save the default config with no changes made, it completely messes up my system.

After saving the config, I restart the system and the graphics are messed up: the resolution is terribly large, maybe 1024x800 for system applications, but firefox retains the normal resolution 1440p. The taskbar disappears and many system apps don't work (I can't use the screenshot, for example.) I am not able to right-click the screen to change the display type and the mouse cursor doesn't move below the level of the screen, so I don't think the taskbar is hiding under the display because of a resolution issue. My suspicion without proof is that the resolution is fine, but the system applications are loading at extremely large fonts.

The only solution I have found is to delete the config file xorg.conf. So for the last half a year I have been ignoring this problem and using temporary settings in nvidia-settings.

If anyone has a solution, I would be very appreciative. Please comment if you have had this problem yourself and were able to solve it.
