Sexual Orientation is not a Value Judgement

That's it. Feeling sexually attracted to women doesn't necessarily mean you think women are wonderful beings. Feeling sexually attracted to men doesn't necessarily mean you think men are wonderful beings. It just is.

Some sexual orientations aren't more enlightened than others. Sexual orientations are part of nature and are amoral.

Sexual orientation isn't changed based on values. If a woman saves me from being run over on the street, I will not develop sexual attraction towards that type of woman. If a man convinces me has only good in his heart, I will not develop sexual attraction to him. If a woman was mean to me, cheated on me, and robbed me, I will not stop feeling attraction to women.

My sexual orientation has nothing to do with what anyone does or did in the history of the universe and in my life. It already existed inside of me before anything happened.

We do not have sex with gender identity, values, and religion. We have sex with somebody's sex. Any kind of sex makes you - and your partner - more like your own sex. Changing the words around the act of sex does nothing to change said act of sex.

If people have a problem with your sexual orientation, then you are not the problem. They are shouting at the wind.

If people think your sexual orientation is a belief system that can be changed, then that is because they do not believe that you naturally exist, and they are the ones with a belief system that denies human nature. They are either ignorant people, rapists and narcissistic abusers, or zealots who seek to impose their opinions of the world onto others.

If people call you a bully for having your sexual orientation, then they are the bully, because there is nothing you can do to change it, and nothing that you have done to have it.

If people request you to be quiet about your sexual orientation because it hurts others, then it is the others who do not know how to be quiet. They are fools for believing your sexual orientation has anything to do with them.

If people shut you down for expressing your sexual orientation, it is because they fear and envy you. These people judge themselves for their orientation and in turn they judge yours. An eye for a mirror.

When your own sex diminishes you:

Women with weak senses of self are the kinds of women who most hurt other women. They are the ones who will victimize themselves whenever their words are not validated, and also the ones who will never accept themselves for who they are. They will constantly contradict themselves. As they are not strong enough to perceive and change themselves, they find power by demanding that other women change themselves to accomodate them. This selfish desire for bringing down others' light and power is often manifested by the request to "be kind", tagged after a series of accusations that others' natural behavior are a value judgement against her.

Women with a weak sense of self tend to find partners who they can save, by speaking on behalf of them and demanding that other women love them more. With that maimed partner, they develop moral leverage against others. They can now dictate how the social world should function and become leaders in order to solve their secret inferiority complex.

Strong women "sow discord" in women's spaces because they do not cater to the requests and insecurities of women with a weak sense of self. They do not perform the self-sacrificial stereotype of womanhood. They are self-assured, yet are easily villainized - because the world hates "selfish" women who follow their free desires.

In a misogynistic and homophobic society, the lesbian is the ultimate selfish woman. She separates herself from her vital "womanhood" life source which is.. apparently to have her body and thoughts align to service others less fortunate than her.

The request that women neglect their own pleasures in order to serve the greater good - the greater community - is a social doctrine of womanhood founded on sexism. And yet it is exactly this doctrine that weak women employ to make stronger women fall in line under them. Weak women do not believe that other women could genuinely achieve power by accepting themselves and living along their own individual moral guideline. She does not believe individual strength is even possible. She assumes, therefore, that all strong women must be lying about something and acting out of some form of evil - meanness, selfishness.

This doctrine supercedes, quite hypocritically, the weak woman's claim to love and defend all kinds of people and diversity. She loves everyone except her shadow: her individuality. In her mind, people should be free to live out their truth, but there is no truth of womanhood where a woman is not of indiscriminate service to others.

Weak women transform facts of the world into value judgments because it suits them. They have no sense of self nor facts about themselves - only value judgements. When they deeply envy other women for secure self-knowledge like their sexual orientation, they can gain power over them by reframing that fact of nature to a moral "value judgement" that must be repaired, fixed, managed, and ruled by "the community".

A large portion of the LGBTQI+ community is no longer ideologically inclined towards sexual orientations. It is geared towards people with weak sense's of self dreams of creating and regimenting "community", a simulation and shared fantasy of repairing their essential lack of self-love.

"Progress" is a value judgement. Sexual orientation is not.

Always be skeptical of those who preach progress, principally when they seek to transform the most crucial elements of your misunderstood reality into a "value judgement".