16 year old being cyber bullied after 3 years

Can you report a cyber bully if they are now not using actual names?

Sorry for the long backstory, but it will give some context.

I teach at a very small private Christian school, which my four kids all attend. Each class in the middle and Highschool have only around 5 kids. The kids tend to be close because there’s not a lot of choices in friends.

My daughter (I’ll call her T) had been best friends with a girl (I’ll call her V) since 1st grade. I also thought it was a one sided relationship, but my daughter would always remind me about the importance of forgiveness each time she was treated badly.

V has had a lot of mental health issues and has been in counseling for years to cope. About three years ago, out of the blue, she accused my daughter and another girl in their class of “hitting her everyday, throwing her to the ground, and stomping on her face”. She said this was happening every day and they were also telling her to kill herself.

Now, because I work there and I know my daughter, I knew it couldn’t have happened. My daughter was bawling begging the me to ask the school board to pull the tapes (they did and there was NOTHInG on them… the looked back for every day of that month she said it went on). She felt betrayed and kept asking why would she just make it up. The teachers kept them away from eachother and never allowed them to be alone, yet she still kept telling all the kids these lies. She stayed in the school another year and a half until failing out.

My daughter and her friend keep getting screenshots of posts V has made on tik tok, Facebook, and instagram of V accusing them STILL of this (3 years later and after being made to apologize for the false allegations in order to stay at the school). V is homeschooled now. She has no contact with them all this time, but is still accusing them of this and last spring started saying that T and her friend need to kill themselves. They need to jump off a building and hurry up and die and if they don’t, keep trying. She is not mentioning them by name… but saying “my two former best friends”. So… question, my thought was, as this girl is about to turn 18, sending her mom screen shots of what her daughter is saying and tell her this is the last time I want her posting that kind of stuff about my daughter or it will be reported to the police. But… since she isn’t using their names any longer, can I do that? I wanted to give mom a chance to right this wrong, although I’m not sure (despite watching hours and hours of videos) that she will see her daughter as being in the wrong. I just really want this to go away as I am baffled as to why she made this up to begin with and has held on for THREE years! They don’t see eachother. I’m a little concerned about the obsession. My daughter never struggled with anxiety until this last year and now is constantly afraid ppl won’t believe her or won’t like her.

What recourse do I have?