You don’t quit weed. You quit dying slowly.
I thought quitting weed would be about fighting cravings. About self-control. About "discipline."
I was wrong.
Because quitting isn’t about resisting weed. It’s about realizing it was never helping you in the first place.
I thought it gave me peace.
It gave me silence.
I thought it gave me happiness.
It gave me numbness.
I thought it gave me time.
It stole years I will never get back.
I wake up now, and I feel something I haven’t felt in years.
Mornings used to be a joke, just a waiting room until I could smoke again.
Caffeine was my only lifeline, my artificial heartbeat.
I’d pump cup after cup into my system, desperately trying to scrape together some energy.
And then, at night? I’d kill myself all over again.
I wake up, and two capsules of coffee are enough.
Not because I need them to function, but because I actually enjoy them.
And for the first time, I don’t feel like I’m just surviving another day.
Time. That’s what quitting gave me.
I used to say "I don’t have time." Bullshit.I had time.
I just spent it scrolling. I just wasted it laughing at memes, sending them to the same three people, pretending that was human connection. I just let it slip through my fingers, thinking I'd get it back later.
But here’s the truth no one wants to hear
You don’t get time back. You don’t get life back. And one day, you’ll wake up and realize you ran out of “tomorrows.”
You think smoking is harmless? Let me tell you what it really does.
It doesn’t just make you “chill.”
It doesn’t just make you “relaxed.”
It erases you.
It takes your dreams and shrinks them down until they don’t scare you anymore.
It takes your drive and smothers it until ambition feels like stress.
It takes your anger, your pain, your hunger, and drowns them in smoke until you forget they ever existed.
And then, one day, you look in the mirror and realize
You don’t even know who the fuck you are anymore.
You think quitting is hard?
Try waking up at 50, 60 years old, realizing you wasted your prime years watching your own life from the sidelines.
Try looking back at your life and realizing you never really lived it.
Try remembering all the things you said you’d do "one day", only to realize you ran out of days.
That? That’s hard.
Quitting? That’s a gift.
I talk to my grandmother now.
The woman who prayed for me while I was burning my nights away.
The woman who told me that hearing my words helped people on Reddit added 10 years to her life.
Before, I never listened. Now I do.
Before, I judged people, divided them into boxes.
Now, I see them. Just like me, just like you, people trying, failing, breaking, fixing themselves again.
Before, I thought quitting was about giving something up. Now, I realize I’m getting everything back.
So if you’re still in the fog, still telling yourself "I’ll quit someday", let me ask you this :
What exactly are you waiting for?
The perfect moment?
It doesn’t exist.
More motivation?
It won’t come.
A final wake-up call?
This is it.
You either quit now, or you quit later. And later? Later is a fucking graveyard of wasted potential.
Step out. Take your life back.
Not tomorrow.
Or don’t. Stay where you are. Keep lighting up. Keep scrolling. Keep telling yourself you'll quit "someday."
And then, one day, you’ll wake up and realize
That “someday” was 10 years ago. And you never left.