PSA: When certain conditions are met, you are no longer allowed to walk alone or show in lane and must stick with your team at all times or be smoked.

This is a very easy rule to follow, but some people don't catch the hint after their 5th death on a solo walk.

When the enemy core has a scythe of vyse or nullifier, don't walk alone. If you are a support you must walk with your team, be smoked up, or be with the strongest core(s) for the rest of the game. This is unconditional.

Some people in divine-immortal still don't understand this basic concept. There is nothing worth gambling for especially in the late game where dying simply means your team must now stay back for 60 seconds while the enemy barrels down rax or rosh.

You win games that go late because you hex the same guy twice in the same place. And lose games when one guy on your team is mentally checked out that he gets caught alone with the same initiation sequence 5 times over.

If you are mindful of this simple rule, your win % of any long games will go up a lot.