I decided to give every LoL champion a Pokemon type (and some Mega evolutions, too)
With Pokemon Sun/Moon just around the corner, I've gotten back into the series in a major way, and a throwaway comment here in the Shadow Isles AMA had me thinking about what Pokemon types all the characters would be. So I put together a list. (Thoughts/rationale to follow:)
Aatrox - Dark/Fighting
Ahri - Psychic/Fire
Akali - Fighting/Dark
Alistar - Normal
Amumu - Ghost
Mega: Sad Robot Amumu - Ghost/Steel
Anivia - Ice/Flying
Mega: Blackfrost Anivia - Ice/Dark (with Levitate)
Annie - Fire
Ashe - Ice
Mega: PROJECT: Ashe - Ice/Steel
Aurelion Sol - Dragon/Flying
Azir - Ground/Flying
Bard - Psychic
Blitzcrank - Steel/Electric
Brand - Fire
Braum - Fighting/Ice
Caitlyn - Normal
Cassiopeia - Poison
Cho'Gath - Dark
Mega: Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath - Dark/Steel
Corki - Fire/Flying
Darius - Fighting
Mega: Dunkmaster Darius - Fighting/Flying
Diana - Dark/Fairy
Dr. Mundo - Fighting/Poison
Draven - Normal/Fighting
Ekko - Psychic
Elise (Human Forme) - Poison/Dark
Elise (Spider Forme) - Poison/Bug
Evelynn - Dark/Ghost
Ezreal - Psychic
Mega: Pulsefire Ezreal - Psychic/Fairy
Fiddlesticks - Ghost/Grass
Fiora - Fighting
Fizz - Water
Mega: Super Galaxy Fizz - Water/Steel
Galio - Rock/Flying
Gangplank - Water
Mega: Captain Gangplank - Water/Fire
Garen - Grass
Mega: Steel Legion Garen - Grass/Steel
Gnar - Fairy/Fighting
Mega: Mega Gnar - Rock/Fighting
Gragas - Poison
Graves - Normal
Hecarim - Ghost
Mega: Elderwood Hecarim - Ghost/Grass
Heimerdinger - Fairy/Psychic
Illaoi - Water/Fighting
Irelia - Ghost/Psychic
Janna - Flying
Jarvan IV - Ground
Jax - Fighting
Jayce (Cannon Forme) - Steel/Psychic
Jayce (Hammer Forme) - Steel/Fighting
Jhin - Normal
Jinx - Fire/Electric
Kalista - Normal/Ghost
Karma - Psychic
Karthus - Ghost
Kassadin - Dark
Mega: Cosmic Reaver Kassadin - Dark/Psychic
Katarina - Fighting
Mega: Sandstorm Katarina - Fighting/Ground
Kayle - Steel
Mega: Aether Wing Kayle - Steel/Psychic
Kennen - Fairy/Electric
Kha'Zix - Bug/Dark
Mega: Mecha Kha'Zix - Bug/Steel
Kindred - Dark/Fairy
Kled - Fighting
Kog'Maw - Poison/Dark
Mega: Battlecast Kog'Maw - Poison/Steel
LeBlanc - Psychic
Mega: Elderwood LeBlanc - Psychic/Grass
Lee Sin - Fighting
Leona - Fire/Steel
Lissandra - Ice
Mega: Program Lissandra - Ice/Electric
Lucian - Normal
Mega: PROJECT: Lucian - Steel
Lulu - Fairy
Lux - Psychic
Malphite - Rock/Ground
Malzahar - Dark/Poison
Maokai - Grass
Master Yi - Fighting
Mega: PROJECT: Yi - Fighting/Steel
Miss Fortune - Normal
Mordekaiser - Ghost/Steel
Morgana - Dark
Mega: Blackthorn Morgana - Dark/Grass
Nami - Water
Nasus - Ground
Mega: Infernal Nasus - Ground/Fire
Nautilus - Water/Rock
Nidalee (Human Forme) - Grass
Nidalee (Cougar Forme) - Grass/Fighting
Nocturne - Dark
Mega: Eternum Nocturne - Dark/Steel
Nunu - Ice
Mega: Nunu Bot - Ice/Steel
Olaf - Fighting
Orianna - Psychic/Steel
Pantheon - Fighting/Flying
Poppy - Fairy/Fighting
Mega: Lollipoppy - Fairy/Dark
Quinn (Quinn Forme) - Normal
Quinn (Valor Forme) - Normal/Flying
Rammus - Ground
Rek'Sai - Ground/Dark
Renekton - Ground/Fighting
Rengar - Grass/Fighting
Riven - Fighting
Mega: Championship Riven - Fighting/Steel
Rumble - Fairy/Fire
Mega: Super Galaxy Rumble - Fairy/Steel
Ryze - Psychic
Sejuani - Ice/Ground
Shaco - Dark/Poison
Shen - Fighting/Dark
Shyvana - Dragon/Fire
Mega: Super Galaxy Shyvana - Dragon/Steel
Singed - Poison
Sion - Ghost
Mega: Mecha Zero Sion - Ghost/Electric
Sivir - Normal
Skarner - Bug/Rock
Mega: Battlecast Alpha Skarner - Rock/Steel
Sona - Psychic
Mega: DJ Sona - Psychic/Electric
Soraka - Fairy
Mega: Program Soraka - Fairy/Electric
Swain - Dark/Flying
Syndra - Psychic/Dark
Tahm Kench - Water/Ground
Taliyah - Rock/Psychic
Talon - Steel/Fighting
Taric - Rock
Mega: Armor of the Fifth Age Taric - Rock/Fairy
Teemo - Fairy/Poison
Mega: Omega Squad Teemo - Fairy/Dark
Thresh - Ghost/Psychic
Tristana - Fairy
Mega: Dragon Trainer Tristana - Fairy/Dragon
Trundle - Ice/Rock
Tryndamere - Fighting
Twisted Fate - Psychic
Twitch - Poison
Udyr - Fighting
Mega: Spirit Guard Udyr - Fighting/Psychic
Urgot - Ghost/Poison
Varus - Normal
Vayne - Normal/Dark
Veigar - Fairy/Dark
Vel'Koz - Dark/Flying
Vi - Fighting
Mega: Demon Vi - Fighting/Fire
Viktor - Electric
Mega: Creator Viktor - Electric/Steel
Vladimir - Dark/Poison
Volibear - Ice
Warwick - Dark
Wukong - Ground
Mega: Radiant Wukong - Ground/Fire
Xerath - Psychic/Electric
Xin Zhao - Fighting
Yasuo - Steel/Flying
Mega: PROJECT: Yasuo - Steel/Electric
Yorick - Ghost/Ground
Zac - Poison/Water
Zed - Dark/Steel
Ziggs - Fairy/Fire
Mega: Master Arcanist Ziggs - Fairy/Psychic
Zilean - Psychic
Zyra - Grass
Mega: Wildfire Zyra - Grass/Fire
I tried to be consistent wherever possible. Yordles were Fairy type, Void champions were Dark type, ADCs were Normal type, and so on. That did get a little repetitive though so I did end up varying some out. It was the same with the Mega evolutions. My initial plan had been to call out all 1350+ RP skins as Mega evos, especially all legendaries, but since a lot of them have the same theme (Mecha, Super Galaxy, Program are all robotic for instance) it also ended up repetitious.
Why did I do this? I don't know. Clearly I needed more to do this afternoon. Hope you all enjoyed!