ADC is unplayable. Please change this Mage nonsense.
Yes, we all have heard the usual user crying about A and B, today I am one of them.
I've come from ten games in a row where enemy botlane is two mages. Vel'Koz, Lux, Hwei, Swain, Karthus, Brand... Whatever, it does not matter which, it's just ridiculous. And playing as a normal ADC feels completely unfair and undoable.
Playing vs Brand? Fail his W, use E on minion -> 15% less HP. Rinse and repeat every 8 seconds. Never runs out of mana.
Playing vs Lux? Just wait for either your Q or your support's CC to hit, then immediately vanish from existence with all the E + R + supp damage that will rain down on you.
Playing vs Vel'Koz? Hah. More of the same. Infinite poking with no regard for mana, CC and whatnot.
I could go on. And yes, before you come to flame me I'm a Master elo ADC. I know how to play the game and how to """"counter"""" said strategies, but it just does not work.
ADCs suffer from lack of damage and item dependence in the form of Crit, many of them don't achieve reliable crit damage until 3 items, mages just fly with 1 item. :) They don't have to wait for anything, and some of the early items, Lost Chapter fixes all the downsides their chars may have.
Go look at any tier list for the current patch and look at the ADCs. From the top 10 ADCs, ONLY 1 of them is an ADC, the rest of them are all mages. What is happening? Why is this being allowed to run rampant? You can play mages in top, mid, adc, supp, almost in jgl too, they are clearly out of hand and it is making the ADC's lifes completely miserable, I feel -forced- to play mages too, and I don't want to.