Got a wrong rank and now i'm getting destroyed
Hey, I recently made a new acc, because my mmr on my main was too high bcs I played a few games with friends (all diamond or master).
For context: i am really, really bad at the game, bronze at most (really)
I started playing on the new acc about two weeks ago with another dude who i managed to convince to playing League from playing cs2.
We played for a couple of games and git our ranks. He got his rank first, cause he started playing ranked first, he came in iron 2. Just for context: hes about as good as I am.
But one game later i came in plat 1!!!
Now there are two problems, the first being: iron and plat cant play together.
The second being that i'm getting enemies who are wayyy to good. I mean i dont even stand a chance.
And tye guys in my ranked games now say to report me cus feeding. I'm on a 10 or 15 loosing streak rn. What can I do?