Weird Intervening Light Terrain situations

Hey all, I had a tourny with some friends this weekend and had a blast, this would be my 10th ish game of 3rd edition but we had a few of these weird situations.

First is when you're perpendicular to the light or heavy terrain one operative is trying to use. According to the rules, that terrain is still intervening but it just doesn't feel right. How does everyone feel about this 8 foot tall marine being concealed in this situation?

And second, often times people would go right up to cover and cause 1/2 a mm of intervening between the shooter and the target. Again, doesn't feel right to have the marine concealed, but according to the rules, that 1 mm cone line from the left side of the shooters aeldari's base, intervenes light terrain "the base of the pilar" next to the marine, so he's in cover and concealed. Do you all add in "common" sense situations like this where you have to actually be behind the cover? I get that the Aeldari should of stepped 1/2 an inch further to have full cone visibility, but this situation happened way to often in our games. I could see myself being so annoyed playing at tournaments with official rules like this where people are actively gaming the system.

Cheers all, excited to hear your thoughts.