70 applications, NOTHING.

ETA: "Rookie Numbers" Cool I get it, I need to keep applying. Jesus, just looking for help. Were literally all on the same sub looking for help. Whats up with that?

I have two resumes, one for food service and the other for customer service positions. With these two resumes, I have applied for over 70+ jobs in the span of 2 weeks. Ive done 3 interviews out of all 70 applications, 1 in person and NOTHING. I tried to make my resumes look as nice as possible (not looks wise but just the information), put in all of my skills... I really don't know what to do anymore.

Hell, I might go back to ye ol golden arches if I can't find something better. I want to go to school to study for a certificate for payroll, but that takes money and time away from my bills and insurance payments. My job cut my hours, so now I only get under $400 a week, despite me asking for more hours. Im tired, so so tired.

Does ANYONE have any advice? Im willing to try anything to get a job that actually lets me breathe a little easier.