Can’t even get a job at Taco Bell

Edit: Sort of positive update, I have a couple interviews next week. One at a local feed store, one for a pet bather position, and one at a coffee shop. I'm excited to have something lined up. Think the good thought for me. Thanks for all the suggestions!

I'm so tired. I was in the tech industry and have been laid off twice in the last three years, this time I've run out of unemployment. I was offered a federal position (remote) and then the incoming admin rescinded remote work and the position was eliminated. I was offered a state job and then rescinded due to a union issue (could actually only hire internally for the role).

Now I'm applying everywhere including like McDonald's and Taco Bell and Target and Walmart and even though I've dumbed down my resume and removed my degree I can't land an interview. These are all places I interviewed at or had high school friends work at as a teenager and now I'm just auto rejected 10 years later despite being a much harder worker and more experienced than I was at 18.

I honestly don't know what to do at this point. The real rub is that I'm still on the hook for student loans while I'm about to be homeless. I've never been out of a job for longer than a couple weeks and now it's been seven months.