Prayer Pot Usage

Disclaimer: I'm fairly new to iron. This is my first iron account and I've run into a lot of learning curves, despite how many hours I had on my main.

The one thing I've always heard about iron life is that maintaining prayer restore can be rough, especially before you start getting into bosses that naturally reinforce ranarr/snapdragon seed stocks (Muspah, toa, etc). Because of that, I've been insanely stingy on my prayer potions. I've used maybe 5 prayer pots so far on the account at ~1800 total and 105 combat level, close to Quest Cape. Blighted restores and moths have been my lifeblood. I'm curious, however, when/where I should start dipping into the prayer pot stores since I have a good amount built up at this point. Bank is sitting at about 1,000 4-doses. Are there tasks/grinds that you guys would consider prayer pots as basically required?

I'm currently doing CG and sprinkling in other grinds as a break. I was considering to start Tormented Demons off task (Maybe this a mistake) so I can get a Scorching bow and hit Zammy whenever (if?) I finish CG so I can beeline for TOA. Knowing how long my main went dry on synapses, however, I'm hesitant to start draining the prayer pots before I even get to start doing real bosses on the account. Am I being too conservative with them though? I have a feeling I'm being too stingy but I know that I don't know how end game really looks, so I'm afraid I'll regret later on if I end up going through a bunch of them relatively early in the account.

EDIT: Appreciate the replies, everyone! Consensus seems to be "Sip the pot idiot" so I will try to start enjoying my green juice (responsibly). Thanks! o7