Wildy Slayer Advice?
For the Wildy slayer enjoyers - Do you think it's worth doing spider/bear tasks pre-rev weapons? I've been super unlucky on Rev tasks so far so still 0/3 on weapons. I get spider tasks seemingly constantly though and my best crush weapon is Zaxe. I'm ~80ish in melee combats, so while some kills are quickish (1:20-1:30ish) most of the time it's over 2minute kills. Is it worth even doing Spindel at this point? Or should I skip/doing easy spiders for those tasks until (if ever?) I get a Viggoras?
Calvarion is free regardless of weapon, and I'm less worried about Artio. Tasks go by decently quick with Sceptre. Mostly concerned with Spindel at this point.