Disorganized INTJs- how common?
When I first got into MBTI, I got typed as an INTP, which stuck with me for a year and couple of months, until I finally decided that I'm INTJ.
Enneagram wise, I'm a 5w6, but the difference between INTP and INTJ is huge; INTPs in general have 9 as a gut fix and mostly 4 as a heart fix while INTJs mostly have 1 or 8 as gut fix and 3 as heart fix, which explains why INTJs are competent, perfectionist, driven and cold-hearted.
Coming back to the topic, I am quite disorganized. I clean my room once every 2 or 3 weeks, and I usually throw my clothes in the closet instead of hanging it, simply leave my notebooks and textbooks open on the table, and until recently, took a shower once every 10 days.
But everything about me resonates with INTJ. Unlike INTPs I've met who are so drunk in the things that interest them, I'm quite different, because I'm not just competent and driven, but my interests lie on practical matters, on how I can apply my knowledge to get tangible results. Also, I'm extremely logical, probably the reason why I thought I was a Ti-dominant than Te-auxillary. That doesn't end there- I also have a really strong intuition and most of the times, can accurately read people and predict things (which is so Ni than Ne).
But the thing is, I'm not compulsively organized like the typical INTJ stereotype. So here's my question: is the disorganized INTJ more or less a common phenomenon, with fellow INTJs being as such?