Finished Game review


I read some reviews saying the story and game goes downhill after The plane fight. They were 100% wrong.

This game was fantastic, something I am going to replay. I finished on veteran, and I might make it harder next time by seeing if I can remove the hud elements to immerse myself deeper.

This is the game of the decade, and maybe even the century unless they make a second game. This was such a fun and creative way to deliver a new Indiana Jones movie in the form of a game. The emotions I felt were shock, panic, calm brainstorming, excited, full of awe, determined to learn more, bingeful, scared, impressed with how I could figure things out. This game put me in a position that was so seamless, so fluid, and well executed when it comes to its voice lines being timed so well and made.

Ive seen reviews say the gameplay feels clunky, however Im playing on a PC and the game felt smooth as butter and not clunky at all. It was also a perfect mix of stealth and aggression. Using guns was fun, but I only used them during strategic moments as the noise can cause groups to come after you, and its hard to survive when they pull out their guns.

My favorite location was the temple in Taiwan. You'll understand why. But overall every temple had its charm, and made me feel a mix of magic and wonder as I journeyed through.

Visually the Mountains were the most realistic and impressive. I honestly loved everything visually. But this game is more than just game of the year. Its truly a historical artifact that captured what used to be only a dream as a kid. The dream? "I hope the game is just as good as the movie". Over time we've seen many movie game adaptions, but nothing like this. This was truly what we all were imagining when we held those wishes and videos cant capture what it feels like when you actually play it for yourself.

If you are debating if you should play it, Im telling you now, its a must play experience! Looking at images dont capture how good this game truly is, so I urge you to go in blind, explore, and discover the greatest adventure you'll ever have.