Unpopular Opinion - In most Dating cases in India, its the Guys who are the choosers And Not the girls.
In Indian Context, Whenever I observe and ask people who are currently dating (most of them met in universities or another Public gathering) I get to observe that its always a bunch of guys who tend to initiate the interaction and conversation with the girl and she always choose the guy among them as their boyfriend but the girl never explores the guys herself, she never takes initiative herself to interact get to know people (guys) etc. The girls never ever talk to any guys apart from the one who just want to roam around her all day (Do they love playing hard to get or what ).The girl has extremely restricted options and always choose the guy who always tries to get to talk to her and many of such guys go and approach many girls at the same time and many of them donot feel much strong connection with the girl.
Since whenever the couple starts to date its always the guy who chose the girl and the girl dated the guy just because she felt he was better among the bunch of guys who are always to interact with her.
The above observations I made in most of the couples (though there are contrary situations than above as well)
I think the above explanation is the reason why a very small number of guys have the ability to date many girls while a large number of guys stay single.
- Such Guys keep on trying on as many girls as possible thus winning it all by the virtue of probability.
- Girls very rarely (almost never) move out of their comfort zone to explore and interact with the guys they find interesting , but rather they just want a bunch of guys keep competing with each other for their attention.
I want to know your opinion on this observation.