Anyone can’t use 13 mini one-handed? Would requiring 2-handed use tip the scale toward going with a different option?
Anyone like me unable to use the iPhone 13 mini one-handed? I have unusually small hands and I’m missing out on the one-handed operation. I’m wondering if most of the love is from people who actually can use it with one hand.
I have been using the phone for around 3 weeks and I’m unsure if I made the right decision. Came from an 8 which I loved and I’m having a hard time adjusting to the narrow size and to the Face ID. And I get battery anxiety and therefore try not to use the phone as much when I’m bored, which is hard and a trade-off. All this along with my aging eyes and I’ve considered selling it and going for the regular 13 although worried that might feel big coming from the 8.
Anyway I’m living in Mexico now so unable to get the 13 new for a reasonable price so for now I’m stuck with the mini or my old 8 until I visit the states - probably in November.