Deodorant recommendations (very specific)

I can’t help but hate the “deodorant” smell in most deodorants. I can’t explain it, I also haven’t met anyone with the same issue, but it’s like this tangy, chemically, slightly sourish smell that drives me nuts. I’ve been using degree advanced “sexy intrigue” since high school because it doesn’t have that obnoxious smell and is the only one I’ve found without it. Recently while restocking hygiene products, I went to put on my new deodorant and to my horror realized they changed the formula and it now has that smell that I hate. Now, obviously there has to be more low end options without this smell. I’ve used Donna karen cashmere mist and LOVED IT. Not only did it not have the smell but it almost seemed to blend with my sweat and make it smell almost pleasant after a long day. I’d smell my clothes and it would smell like someone’s been wearing it, but like someone who smells outrageously good and has a natural ability of just not reeking. My issue is it costs an arm and a leg and I can’t make it my normal. Does anyone have cheaper deodorant recommendations that smell good and don’t have that sour smell?