ZipRecruiter vs. Indeed: “Goldilocks” Job Search Woes

Hey folks! Yesterday I was annoyed with Indeed for giving me forklift driver jobs when I was searching for marketing roles. Well today, ZipRecruiter gave me the opposite problem. Same keywords, but only three measly results appeared!

  • Indeed: “We see you want ‘Marketing Director.’ How about forklift ops instead?”
  • ZipRecruiter: “We’ll only show you three relevant openings in the entire galaxy.”

I can’t decide which is more frustrating: irrelevantly broad or way too narrow. Anyways, two quick “Good/Bad/Ugly” observations about ZipRecruiter


  1. Results are mostly relevant
  2. Small biz jobs I wasn't able to find on Indeed
  3. Matching emails made me feel good, as did "your application was viewed"


  1. Low Job Volume for Specialized Roles: If you’re too specific, you could get just three listings total.
  2. Email Overload: ZipRecruiter does not hold back on notifications. “Jobs You Might Like” emails pile up fast, and half of them can be off-base.
  3. Applications Going Nowhere: You’ll get the “Your application was viewed 37 times” alerts, but it doesn’t always translate to interviews. Kind of a morale buster

Quick Pro Tips

  • Filter by Date: On both Indeed and ZipRecruiter, narrow your search to “Last 24 hours” or “Last 3 days” to weed out outdated/ghost jobs.
  • Use Them Both: Checking each platform only takes a few clicks. Even if Indeed is broad and Zip is narrow, comparing them back-to-back can help you spot legit openings.
  • Go Local with Zip: ZipRecruiter can be better for small/local businesses—so if you’re after a role close to home, it’s worth keeping an eye on those fewer-but-more-focused listings.

Must you ZipRecruiter?

If you are looking for local SMB roles, yes. If you're looking for corporate roles or WFH - you can find these jobs on Indeed and save yourself a platform.