Helping frog @ ease w/ heavy bather load

Hey all! Just got my first hot tub and it’s sitting in the yard waiting to be hooked up and filled tomorrow! I’ve lurked on this sub for quite a while now, so I think I have a pretty good idea as to what I’m getting into with chemicals and general maintenance. The dealer is starting us up with the frog @ease floater and I have some questions.

Ive noticed about 50% love the system while the other 50% hate it. I’m willing to give it a try for the 2 month supply we have it and then reevaluate.

My concern is that we are going to have weekends (especially at the start) with very heavy bathing loads. We frequently entertain at our house and there will be like 4-6 adults for hours at a time (we will keep tub around 99-100 so this will be sustainable). My main question is what would you do before and after to make sure the water doesn’t go to complete hell? I have no problem adding chemicals before, during or after I just need to know what I’m doing. The tub is 375 gallons. I’ve heard pure bleach or chlorine granules can help it along but I’m a total newbie so any tips would be awesome! Thanks!

Edit: I’ll also add that our tub has an inline saltwater system but I don’t know a thing about it and our dealer didn’t say anything about it either so I’m kind of hesitant to use it