Cursed Old Tubi Movies

Long story short, me and my friend have become addicted to finding and watching obscure, low budget, bizarre horror movies (mostly from the 60s and 70s) on Tubi and Plex. To find them, we usually just select one of the ones that we've previously watched and then look in the recommended section.

It's fun because of how schizoid these movies are. Like they made you question how they ever got funded in the first place. We started with Cannibal Holocaust and it's just been downhill from there. Probably our favorite that we've found was Blood Freak. We like the ones that seem like they costed 5 bucks to make and are full of non-actors and complete wtf moments. They're hilarious.

However there's a problem, in that it's really a gamble with these movies. Some of them look promising but end up being either

1) straight up torture porn snuff with nothing to laugh at at all. Example: Night of the Blood Monster


2) actually just pretty run of the mill, boring old weirdness. Example: Night of the Lepus

What we want is that sweet spot: shocking but not just torture porn (a bit is fine, we loved Mark of the Devil), low budget but still varied with stuff happening.

Basically, to anyone out there who has similarly taken the plunge into the weird world of tubi horror, do you have any recommendations?