Game crashes after selecting country in the mod
So, ive been working on a mod that completly redoes the map and countries of hoi4. After i fixed the map , assigned states to countries etc ive tried playtesting, but it apparently just crashes after i select a country in sp (either bookmark, not only my custom one). So, ive searched wide and far on the internet for a possible answer, but no real results.
So now, im asking here for answers.
Here is the error log i got when i crashed the game: (spoiler alert, its just gfx related stuff, but hey, that's just paradox being paradox)
(Ive literally gotten no other errors anywhere, other than smth ive noticed in exceptions.txt (Unhandled Exception C0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) at address 0x00007FF66F6453C6), but its probably nothing)