I have a young little guinea pig, named squiggles roughly around six months. Super sweet little guy he’s got a ton of energy. I swear he’s on something. I have two guinea pigs. The other is Graham who is four years old. Squiggles and Graham get along just fine and they free roam in my bedroom that I have safety proof for them. They have plenty of hides get their fresh veggies in the morning. They have their hay box. so I can’t figure out why squiggles really likes to come up to me and bite my toe. Not with a sock on only bare toe. I can’t figure it out because he’s gotten a lot less skittish and likes to sit by me like Graham does while he eats. He always bites my toe and immediately runs. Is this just a young male guinea pig thing? This is my first time owning pigs and otherwise they seem very happy