Really need some help with aggressive guinea pig

I have two female guinea pigs, I got one because she was considered aggressive and they were going to feed her to a snake so I got her to stop that from happening, I got the other one from a pet store because they said something was wrong with her and they were going to put her down when she just had an ear infection, I wanted to introduce them together because well guinea pigs need friends, the little one really wants a friend but the bigger one wants to kill the little one, it's been about 2 months even through cage bars she still tries to attack the smaller one, I've had two separate their cages across the room because the other one will jump over the C&C grids and attack the little one, so I want to know if I should keep trying to give her a friend or should I just get a friend for the little one and keep the bigger one alone, also name ideas would be great (also the little one is the brown one the aggressive one is the lighter yellow and white one)