I had to become a full dark-side aggressive player

At a low level, I used to have fun destroying other players' sales until someone ended up crying because they lost everything because of me. After that, I stopped doing it.
Then, I decided not to attack anyone unless they appeared aggressive first. However, I kept dying countless times to Oppressor MK2s and other military vehicles. So, I saved up for the Deluxo and the Raiju. I’m too proud to use an Oppressor MK2 I hate them all.

The problem was that I tried to be a kind or neutral player, so I kept holding back and didn’t attack anyone unless they looked hostile. That was a mistake because it gave them an advantage. Killing Oppressors isn’t hard with the Deluxo since it has perfect-accuracy missiles and a longer tracking range. But I used to let them get too close because I assumed they weren’t aggressive, only to be blown up countless times.
I also died to regular players in cars because they shot me through the windows while I hesitated.

Even when I killed someone with the Deluxo or Raiju, if they challenged me to a duel, I would accept it and fight on the ground, willingly giving up my unfair advantage, only to find them using rockets or sniper rifles. That’s not even fun. Nobody fights with normal weapons like machine guns, shotguns, or pistols anymore, just spam as much damage as they can.

So now, I fire missiles at everyone in sight. I won’t let anyone get close, specially if you are using a fliying bike